General Information
The Iberia Parish Airport Authority also owns, operates, and maintains LeMaire Memorial Airport, located one mile south of Jeanerette in eastern Iberia Parish. The airport features a 3,000-foot lighted asphalt runway and serves mainly single-engine planes, small multi-engine aircraft and helicopters. LeMaire Memorial Airport has recently received more than $750,000 in grants for numerous upgrades to the facility, including lighting improvements, a fuel farm, generator system and runway coating.
- RUNWAY 4-22: 75 ft. x 3,000 ft; Strength: 6,000 lbs., single wheel load
- LIGHTING: Medium Intensity
- TAXIWAYS: Connectors, 50 ft. wide, asphalt
- VISUAL NAVAIDS: Rotating beacon; Wind Cone; PAPI’s
- NAVIGATION: Lafayette VORTAC, 109.8 LFT